Welcome Our New President – Dr. Dawn Scantlebury!

Dr. Dawn Scantlebury is a consultant cardiologist and head of the Department of Cardiovascular Services, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) Barbados, and senior associate lecturer in cardiology, The University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus. She completed medical school and internal medicine training at UWI in 1998, and 2005 respectively, and fellowship training in cardiovascular diseases, advanced echocardiography and interventional cardiology at Mayo. Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, USA in 2015. Immediately following fellowship, she returned to Barbados to successfully set up the percutaneous coronary intervention program at the QEH, performing the first coronary angioplasty in the public health system in Barbados in February 2016.
Her association with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados (HSFB) dates back more than 20 years. She was an instructor in the HSFB’s Advanced Cardiac Life Support course and a member of the cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation programme (CDP&R) medical committee as a junior doctor and is the current medical director of CDP&R. She has also represented the Foundation in its ongoing quest to educate the public on cardiovascular disease, writing articles and giving talks to both the lay public and the medical community. She has served as a member of its board of directors since 2017, except 2022-2023.
Aside from the HSFB, Dr Scantlebury is also an active volunteer in other cardiovascular organisations. She is a council member of the Caribbean Cardiac Society and serves on committees of the American College of Cardiology and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.
Dr. Scantlebury’s research interests include quality improvement in heart attack management in Barbados, cardiac rehabilitation, and gender differences in heart disease. She is passionate about reducing the ravages of CVD on Barbadian society from the viewpoint of advocating for CVD prevention as well as ensuring the delivery of high-quality cardiovascular care in our healthcare system. She is enthused about the opportunity to advance the mission of the HSFB in its fight against CVD in the role of President of its board of directors.