Dr. Colin Alert

Dr. Colin Alert, MB BS, DM (Family Medicine) is a graduate of the UWI Family Medicine postgraduate program. He is an Associate Lecturer in Family Medicine at the UWI Cave Hill campus, Barbados, and works in private practice as a Director of the Wellness clinic, a primary care medical clinic.
He is a founder member and Fellow of the Caribbean College of Family Physicians (CCFP), and he has been the coordinator of the CCFP’s Continuing Medical Education (CME) program.
Apart from his private practice and his teaching responsibilities, he is also active in sports medicine, being the team doctor on Barbadian teams to the Commonwealth Games, the Pan Am games and the Central American and Caribbean (CAC) games, among others.
He has presented papers based on local research at many of the CCFP Family Medicine scientific conferences to date in the area of the chronic non-communicable diseases, the Caribbean’s main causes of morbidity and mortality. He is also a regular presenter at the UWI/BAMP bi-annual scientific conferences, and delivers CME presentations to local physicians.
He has published a couple of peer-reviewed papers on Obesity in Barbados, and has numerous publications in the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners (BAMP) Bulletin, the CCFP website (caribgp.org), and local newspapers in Barbados.