Message for World Youth Day 2022

Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training
World Youth Day
I am delighted to present this message on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training on ‘World Youth Day.’ Your theme ‘Intergenerational Solidarity’ is apt because there are many causes that necessitate collaboration and cooperation from various entities. Local research has demonstrated that when we work together, we achieve better outcomes.
Youth Advocacy is important because it sensitizes society about the issues that affect the youth. Youth Advocates champion a cause and encourage others, in a respectful manner, to support the cause. The issue of overweight, obesity and non-communicable diseases among our school aged children is a problem worth attention. It is now common knowledge that there is an exponential rise in obesity and an increase in elevated blood pressures and Type 2 diabetes among our youth. The sedentary lifestyle adopted by young people as well as the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified this public health issue.
To assist in rectifying the problem, the Cabinet of Barbados approved the Barbados School Nutrition Policy in May 2022. This demonstrates a commitment to support the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Ministry of Health and Wellness and other stakeholders to support the government’s effort to improve the nutritional status and physical activity among our school aged children. The policy objectives are positioned with national and regional policies and plans. The six interrelated policy themes are:
- Food Services Environment
- School Curriculum
- Physical Activity Environment
- School Health and Nutrition Services
- Health promotion for the school community
- School Recognition
Strategies for affecting change using these themes will be introduced to schools incrementally. Ministerial partners, youth advocates and other valued stakeholders will be afforded the opportunity to improve the school food environment. The objective of the Ministry of Education’s commitment for results is: To incentivize public education institutions to create and implement innovative programmes that target improved health, wellness, physical fitness and proper nutrition among students and staff.
Plans for discussion for the year 2022-23 are as follows:
A cooking competition which encourages students to prepare healthy snacks and healthy dishes using our root vegetables. The idea is for a manufacturer to create the winning food item for sale in supermarkets. There will be a reduction of sugar sweetened beverages sold on the school compound. Water Wednesdays will continue but my Ministry will be promoting two additional days. We will continue to encourage students to drink water throughout the day. Fruit Fridays will continue with one additional day, schools will not be limited to the number of days suggested by this Ministry. Movement in between and during classes will be encouraged. Healthy eating and fitness will be taught in Health and Family Life Education classes.
In conclusion, the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training’s mandate is to create opportunities for students to learn, engage and embrace all stakeholders and partners interested in improving students. There will be other opportunities for students to engage in activities which are non-traditional educational events as we seek to address the directive for Sustainable Development Goal 4: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong opportunities for all and to ensure that our children reach their full potential. Intergenerational solidarity will assist in the smooth transition of healthy food environments in schools.