HSFB News, Notices & Resources

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AGM 2023 Notice

The 17th Annual General Meeting of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados Inc. will be held at ‘The Walled Garden Theatre’, The Barbados Museum and Historical Society, The Garrison, St. Michael on Friday, May 19th 2023 at 6.00 P.M.

Climate Change Poll

PAHO and UNICEF/UReport Climate Perceptions Youth Survey

In an effort to better understand the perceptions of Caribbean young people from 13 to 29 years old, PAHO has engaged UNICEF to conduct an important survey to find out how much participants know about the link between climate and health so we can build a healthy, resilient Barbados.


CDP&R Gym – New Opening Hours

Please take note of the new opening hours for our Cardiac Disease Prevention & Rehabilation Programme (CDP&R) gym! The new opening hours for our gym are 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Emergency Cardiac Care Courses

Emergency Cardiac Care Courses

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to save the life of a loved one experiencing cardiac distress? The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados Inc. can make this possible! Through our partnership with the American Heart Association (AHA), we offer a number of Emergency Cardiac Care Courses.